National Geographic Great Blue Heron River Sun Set Photo

  • Christ the redeemer statue, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This image is from Departures. [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Christ the redeemer statue, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This image is from Departures.

    Departures Entertainment 2 Inc

  • Inland from the coast in British Columbia is Kamloops, a small logging town is a hotspot for... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Inland from the coast in British Columbia is Kamloops, a small logging town is a hotspot for Mountain Biking, and it was here that a new movement took off. This image is from Destination Extreme.

    iStockphoto LP

  • Easter island statues at sunset. This image is from Departures. [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Easter island statues at sunset. This image is from Departures.

    Departures Entertainment 2 Inc

  • Great Canadian North: Diving under the pole. This image is from Deepsea Under the Pole. [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Great Canadian North: Diving under the pole. This image is from Deepsea Under the Pole.

    Benoit Poyelle

  • Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia: A student studying the Koran  at the Al Mawaddah Women's Islamic... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia: A student studying the Koran at the Al Mawaddah Women's Islamic Boarding School in Ponorogo, East Java. This image is from Don't Tell My Mother.

    Diego Buñuel

  • New York, NY: Sally, an axolotl salamander is begininng to form a blastema, a cluster of stem... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    New York, NY: Sally, an axolotl salamander is begininng to form a blastema, a cluster of stem cells, on her left arm. Salamanders are one of the few species that can regrow their limbs.Scientists are trying to unlock the genetic rules that govern salamander limb regeneration in the hopes of rewriting human genetic code to tip the balance away from scar tissue formation and in favor of regeneration. This image is from How to Build a Beating Heart.


  • Moab, Utah: Sunset on The Fisher Towers. This image is from First Ascent. [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Moab, Utah: Sunset on The Fisher Towers. This image is from First Ascent.

    Jim Aikman

  • Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming:  A Hummingbird feeding her baby. This image is from Dam Beavers. [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming: A Hummingbird feeding her baby. This image is from Dam Beavers.

    NGT / Leine Stikkel

  • Frogs' eyes come in a mind-boggling array of colors and designs. Bulging eyes allow a frog to... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Frogs' eyes come in a mind-boggling array of colors and designs. Bulging eyes allow a frog to see front, side and even partially behind. This image is from Frogs: The Thin Green Line.

    Andrew Young/ 2009 WNET.ORG

  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Climber Hugo Langel walks the slackline high above Rio. This image is... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Climber Hugo Langel walks the slackline high above Rio. This image is from First Ascent.

    Tim Kemple

  • Goats on Italy's cliffside. This image is from David Rocco's Amalfi Getaway. [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Goats on Italy's cliffside. This image is from David Rocco's Amalfi Getaway.

    Franco Lastrucci/ Amalfi Productions Inc

  • Andriesvale, Northern Cape, South Africa.  San patriarch living in Green Kalahari whose DNA was... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Andriesvale, Northern Cape, South Africa. San patriarch living in Green Kalahari whose DNA was tested as part of the Genographic Project. The San Bushmen of Southern Africa are universally accepted as the world's oldest genetically distinct population of humans, whose DNA markers connect them to Scientific Eve. The Genographic Project used DNA from the San to help pinpoint some of humanity's earliest movements in Africa. This image is from The Human Family Tree.

    NGT / Jim Ball

  • A salty light-foot crab travels on cooled lava flow in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador.  This... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    A salty light-foot crab travels on cooled lava flow in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. This image is from Darwin's Lost Voyage.

    Andrew Pulley/National Geographic Television

  • Chestnut breasted Coronet (Boissomeaua flavescens)  Bronzy Inca (Coeligena coeligena). This image... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Chestnut breasted Coronet (Boissomeaua flavescens) Bronzy Inca (Coeligena coeligena). This image is from Hummingbirds: Magic In The Air

    2010 WNET.ORG

  • Birds carved out of yellow fruit. This image is from Food Lover's Guide to the Planet. [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Birds carved out of yellow fruit. This image is from Food Lover's Guide to the Planet.


  • Dog next to a  fire hydrant along the red carpet. This image is from National Geographic... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Dog next to a fire hydrant along the red carpet. This image is from National Geographic Channel's Dog Whisperer.

    MPH - Emery/Sumner Joint Venture

  • Adolescent orangutan calling at platform four. This image is from Finas Fund. [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Adolescent orangutan calling at platform four. This image is from Finas Fund.

    Harun Rahman

  • Raimunda, Yawanawa shaman. This image is from For Real. [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Raimunda, Yawanawa shaman. This image is from For Real.

    Jade Thome

  • Omo River Valley, Ethiopia: Women of the Hamer tribe perform a dance. The tribe is largely... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Omo River Valley, Ethiopia: Women of the Hamer tribe perform a dance. The tribe is largely pastoral, consequently placing a high value on cattle. This image is from Departures

    Courtesy of Inclusive Digital-2009 Departures

  • Zimbabwe: Pack of dogs walking away from camera along path. This image is from A Dog's Life. [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Zimbabwe: Pack of dogs walking away from camera along path. This image is from A Dog's Life.

    Kim Wolhuter

  • Zinacantan (State of Chiapas), Mexico: Girls donned in deep blue and purple outfits sit on... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Zinacantan (State of Chiapas), Mexico: Girls donned in deep blue and purple outfits sit on steps, while one gestures for money. This image is from A World Apart.

    josé Luis Feliu

  • A young woman walks through one of Afghanistan's numerous illegal poppy fields. This image is... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    A young woman walks through one of Afghanistan's numerous illegal poppy fields. This image is from Inside Afghan Heroin.

    Ryan Lobo / NGT

  • Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming:  A little pond set against the backdrop of the Grand Teton... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming: A little pond set against the backdrop of the Grand Teton Mountains may not look like much, but it is the hub of action. Pictured here, a Heron with a sucker. This image is from Dam Beavers.

    NGT / Andrew Weller

  • Tikal, Guatemala: Tikal temple is one of the largest archaeological sites and urban centers of... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Tikal, Guatemala: Tikal temple is one of the largest archaeological sites and urban centers of the pre-Columbian Maya civilization. This image is from A World Apart.

    José Luis Feliu

  • Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming:  A Mother fox and baby rest in the field. This image is from... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming: A Mother fox and baby rest in the field. This image is from Dam Beavers.

    NGT / Leine Stikkel

  • Three Borneo pygmy elephants hanging out after a swim. This image is from Finas Fund. [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Three Borneo pygmy elephants hanging out after a swim. This image is from Finas Fund.

    Harun Rahman

  • Tadoba National Park, Maharashtra, India: A Tiger lying along a muddy pool with its reflection... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Tadoba National Park, Maharashtra, India: A Tiger lying along a muddy pool with its reflection in the water. This image is from Secrets of Wild India.

    Kalyan Varma

  • Scenes of North Korea during the filming. This image is from Don't Tell My Mother. [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Scenes of North Korea during the filming. This image is from Don't Tell My Mother.

    Gael Leiblang

  • A marine iguana travels on the beach in Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. This image is from Darwin's... [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    A marine iguana travels on the beach in Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. This image is from Darwin's Lost Voyage.

    Andrew Pulley/National Geographic Television

  • Close up of star fish being sold at a Chinese market. This image is from Dangerous Encounters. [Photo of the day - September 2012]

    Close up of star fish being sold at a Chinese market. This image is from Dangerous Encounters.

    Simon Boyce / NGT


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